About Us
Target Media Nusantara (TMN) is the branch office of China Focus Media Group in Indonesia, providing the largest communication platform for the fast-growing market and urban elite. As Indonesia's largest indoor screen channel, TMN reaches ``Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday,`` connecting people and businesses meaningfully. Through Indoor Advertising Platform installed in apartment and office buildings, TMN delivers real-time, relevant content that integrates naturally into consumers' daily routines. The scale and continuous growth of our resources make TMN one of the most effective and efficient media in the market.
For Brands
Taking advantage of the audience's drill time in lift, TMN builds bridges between brands and their consumers. It enhances brand awareness and engagement by capturing the audience's attention, wherever they are, throughout their daily commute.

For Building Partners
Elevating the building environment, TMN installed high-quality screens that enlivens the lift ride experience while preserving the building's aesthetics, filled with informative, up-to-date content that significantly enhances the daily lifestyle of every tenant.
Ready to Work Together?
Let's Explore the Possibilities!

Contact Us
RDTX Square, 19th Floor
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio, No. 164
Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan 12930

© 2024 PT Target Media Nusantara